Return and Exchange Policy

Return and Exchange Policy

Cancellations, Missing Items, Returns & Damages: Return and Exchange Policy

We check every item very carefully before they leave our warehouse. However, in the rare case that your product is damaged during shipment or transit, you can email us or contact us on whatapps with a photo of leaked or damaged items. In such cases we either offer an exchange or a discount on your next purchase which Skin Store pvt ltd reserves the right to decide.

In rare case, if you have received wrong products other than your order, you can follow a few simple steps to initiate your return/refund within 3 days of receiving the order:

Step 1: Contact our Customer Support team via email or whatapps within 5 business days of receiving the order.

Step 2: Provide us with your order ID details and your request to return/replace/refund the defective/wrong items in your order. Kindly share an image of the product and the invoice for our reference.

Step 3: We will initiate the refund or replacement process only if the products are received by us in their original packaging with their seals, labels, and barcodes intact along with the invoice within 15 days.

Replacement will be done according to stock availability. In case a replacement may not be available, we will refund you the full amount.

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